Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"...No purpose of Yours can be thwarted."

It is now 24 days until I depart for Fiji!
The Lord has already been preparing the way through donations, kind words, confirmations (EVERYWHERE!), and through the fullfillment of His promise that He will always guide me.
In reading through Job this morning, I came across this verse...

“I know that You can do all things,
and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted."
Job 42:2

At times, I get nervous about this next chapter of my life. I cannot, yet, imagine why the Lord opened the door for such a wonderful opportunity to serve in Fiji! In fact, when people ask, "Why Fiji?" I simply have to shrug and be honest with them."I don't know yet." is my usual response. However, this I am sure of... I am supposed to be in Fiji this Summer!
I have never before seen the Lord so clearly open up the path as He has for this adventure.
He has already supplied my airfare, and over $750 out of the $1750 due for my Summer living expenses and food! To a college student (even one graduating very shortly), $1000 in a 24 days may seem impossible, but I am reminded that God's measurement of our physical "necessities" is so far outside of my understanding that He can make anything possible... His purpose is perfect, and can NEVER be thwarted!

I am also blessed to be almost finished with my degree from the College of the Ozarks, and will be graduating in 11 days! It's so very surreal to see my black cap and gown hanging in my closet. My senior art show is hanging up in the Boger Art Gallery on campus, my finals begin on Monday, and I only have 3 days of classes left. God is good!

I thank you for your prayers and support, even yet, as I begin to make this transition, and I ask for your continual prayers as the 24th comes closer and closer! Here are some specific ways you can offer support and prayer:

Physical needs: (I have received special notice requesting various items for donation. If, perhaps, you cannot give financially but would like your family to be involved, I will be taking another suitcase of donations to the people of SI Fiji and Lautoka.)
 They have requested:

  • Digital Camera with Video Capability (As part of my time in Fiji as a "Media Intern", I will be teaching one of the volunteers photography, digital editing and video production skills. This is difficult, however, as the base does not yet have a camera. If you or your family has an extra, decent quality, camera or if you would like to donate one, please contact me as this would be a massive blessing to the Students International ministry. Right now, they are unable to even post online what the ministry is doing in Fiji to help raise awareness. The availability of a camera could change this completely.)
  • Laptop Computer (Again the SI Fiji would greatly utilize a laptop for the purpose of media, even with basic editing tools already found within Microsoft for the sharing of what the site is doing on the Island. If you have a laptop that is not in use or your family would like to donate, again, please contact me as this would be huge help to those serving in Fiji)
  • Bibles One of the greatest needs for SI Fiji right now is Bibles. They are in need of three translations (Hindi, Fijian, and English) but any printed version of the bible is VERY expensive in Fiji. Any Bible is appreciated. (If you would like to donate bibles, can be a great resource)
  • Peanut Butter is very expensive/hard to find on Viti Levu! (the individual packages from Jif are desirable for packing purposes)
  • Trail mix (Any kind)
  • Coffee (Again, quite expensive and hard to find on the Island)
  • Adult Diapers (One of the ministry sites is an elderly home which is in need of these resources)

Prayer requests:

  • Continue praying for the preparation of my heart for whatever He has for me in Fiji.
  •  Continue to pray for the others who I will be with in Lautoka, and for the Fijian nationals we will be sharing and serving with!
  • Continue to pray for the Lord's providence of my living expenses while in Fiji.
  • Please pray for Fiji as a whole, the cultures there-within are lost and are in need of our Savior.
  • Please pray for the donation of a digital camera with video capabilities and a laptop for use within the ministry after I leave Fiji. 

P.S. Please enjoy this traditional Fijian music produced by a village on the Eastern Island of Taveuni, Fiji. I found this video on the first day I began praying about Fiji and haven't stopped listening to it since! I hope, by the end of the Summer, to understand enough Fijian to know what the words mean through the help of my regional (and Fijian speaking) directors Oska and Aralai Vuki. :)
    - Austin

Friday, April 4, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

As most of you know, I will be graduating from College of the Ozarks in May.  What an incredible journey it’s been! Part of my senior year requirement was to do an internship in my field of study which is graphic design.  As only the Lord can do, He has opened a way for me to complete the internship and venture into missions work at the same time.  By His grace, I will be traveling to the island nation of Fiji to serve as an intern with the Students International missions organization for the duration of the Summer from May 24th to August 1st. For these 10 weeks I will be serving as a photography/media intern with this ministry to share the news of what is being done in Fiji with the rest of the world; as, today more than ever before, technology is helping missionaries connect with short term teams, supporters, and prayer partners.  I will also serve as an all around intern to aid with the various teams and, of course, volunteering at the ministry sites established in Fiji.

The SI Fiji basecamp, located in Fiji’s 3rd largest city (Lautoka) on the main island of Viti Levu, serves as host to numerous high-school and college aged student "teams" on short term trips throughout the Summer. These teams are then sent out to serve and help those who minister with the on-going ministry sites. I will be helping out this ministry in a variety of ways. The long-term staff have special needs to continue their ministry, and I will serve them by meeting some of those needs. Including helping to teach some of the nationals involved with SI basic photojournalism and media skills to continue using once my time in Fiji is complete. This is a great opportunity to serve, and one I didn’t expect by any means! In fact, now, more than ever before in my life, I have seen God’s movement as He opened up the doors for this Summer faster than I could reach for the handles. The Lord has made it very clear that the He is indeed calling me to Fiji for this Summer and I am anxious to get there in May! However, more than that, I cannot wait for the growth in my faith through my service and time of leadership in the world of missions, beginning on the Island of Fiji.

We are all called to missional living, however, this is my first extended period of living outside of the united states. According to scripture, prayer will always be the number one and most influential medium of support, however, some of you reading this update may be feeling called to support me at this time financially.  The Lord has already generously provided the transportation costs so what remains is the room and board expense of $175 per week, $1750.00 total.   I would like to ask you, as a brother or sister in Christ,to pray about making a financial contribution to the SI outreach on my behalf.  I also covet your prayers for this opportunity to minister, as it is definitely far beyond my comfort zone or what I had expected for my summer. I would also love it if you would follow my blog for updates, photos, and special prayer requests during the time that I am gone as I will not be on facebook or other social media very much due to the minimal amount of wifi on the island.

If you would like to support me, please make your check payable to Students International for tax-deductible purposes. I have special envelopes I am handing out , or you can simply send support to: Students International at PO Box 2733 Visalia, CA 93279, USA. If mailing, please include my personal ID #  (07Intern14-02) on the bottom left corner of the envelope to help direct the money to my account. You can also make a direct donation online using a credit card at: followed by entering my ID# and my zipcode (80537). Please pray about the part God wants you to play in this event. And may God bless you for your time and support.
 - Austin
 In case you had to us Google to find out where Fiji is.
Fijian School Children

Lautoka, Fiji