At last, that day is here! My bags are ready, batteries are charged, sunscreen is packed! It's actually happening! I'm on my way to Fiji! I'm actually sitting at my gate awaiting my first plane (from Denver to LA) to begin my journey to Nadi, Fiji! It doesn't feel real yet. In fact, I doubt it will sink in until I wake up on the plane tomorrow about to land on the west coast of the island of Viti Levu! I'm so thankful for the Lord's provision as He has already brought me this far... Now I continue praying that He will smooth out the details of this trip that my mind constantly is trying to plan out.
I will try to keep posting videos and photos whenever possible, so please continue to share this blog with friends and check back jenever you think of it for new prayer requests and updates from the island.
Thank you all for your support and excited attitude you have shared with me as I begin this new adventure.
Please continue to pray for ease of language-learning, the opening of hearts (including my own), safety, and for clarity of the Lord's will in the many experiences to come!
- Austin

Location:Pena Blvd,Denver,United States
Wherever you go...there He is!