Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Team 1 - Day 1: Grand Canyon University
Wow! Vinaka Jisu! Thank you Jesus! I have made it past the first few days!
He has been faithful in restoring me and reviving me from a busy few days of travel and stress and has adjusted me to "Fiji (island) time" quite well. Here, time moves slowly and, unless otherwise stated, things can be early, on time, late, or none of the above... and it's OK!
Upon arrival, I had a smooth airport pickup and ride from Nadi to Lautoka (where I'll be spending the summer) where I soon met my SI Fiji Country Directors: The amazing Ratu Oska Vuki and his incredible wife Aralai. These two have already ensure my Summer to be one of learning from their wisdom and unwavering trust in the Lord for their needs. Their status as prayer warriors has also brought such encouragement to my heart as well as the other site directors utilized by SI in our outreaches. We currently have 6 sites in Lautoka that we work with. I will list the names of the site directors as you should get familiar with them for the following 10 weeks of blog posts. :) Our service-sites include: A Primary School directed by Master Apenise (ah-pay-nee-say), a Special-Ed school directed by Sokoveti (Soko), Mt. Zion Preschool and Kindergarten directed by Ase (ah-say), two women's ministry sites direct by Rusila, (Ru) and a prison ministry directed by Mosese (Mo-say-say).
I am quickly learning how flexible one must be to spend any length of time in the mission field... Some days, our sites either won't have children in the schools (because of the water cuts or other social reasons), or we won't be allowed into the prison, etc... We are learning to trust His will for what it is (and the Bible says it is perfect!). Vinaka!
Everyone here speaks at least two--usually three--languages. Fijian is primary, while English and Hindi follow shortly behind. As for myself, the Lord is COMPLETELY blessing my learning of Fijian! I can now read it and not sound like a bafoon stumbling over the pronunciation. I can count to 20, and can ask various questions and can use all major greetings and polite sayings. Praise Jesus! He is faithful in all things!
Arriving to the 2 story, beautiful base camp just 1.5 miles from the sea-wall, it was more than I had hoped for (to be quite frank...)! I have a bed to myself, I have a shower (as of today, as the first 2 days we were under a "water cut" and had no running water or toilet usage within the surrounding province), we have private cooks who cook AMAZING Fijian, American, Indian, and Asian cuisine (and not bad mexican either!), we have a great team jointing us from Grand Canyon University, and most of all we have Jesus to light our way even when we can not see! In some ways, it's hard to believe I've already been here for 3 days... In others, it feels as though I've been here for many years as I am in the comfort of (what seems to be) "old" friends. I've never come into contact with a more genuine, friendly culture. One that not only embraces each other in peace, but also others who are visiting (even just visiting their store of fruit stand in the marketplace!).
The Lord is blessing us greatly here at 6 Ragg St. in Lautoka. We have many things to be grateful for, and yet we can always be in prayer. Please join us in prayer for a few various things:
- Upon arrival to the Nadi airport I was asked to clarify the intentions of my visit. They have placed me on a "time allowance" due to the fact that typical missionaries are only allowed to stay here for 14 days. This should not be a problem to resolve, but it requires a trip to the immigration office and a lot of prayer for a smooth fix and with not issues in that process. Thank you.
- Please continue to pray that if the Lord would like me to learn the Fijian language in this way that He would continue to clarify it in my mind. The Fijian people have been very helpful, but I will need the understanding that only comes through Christ to get anywhere in these 10 weeks.
- Please pray for our group visiting right now. What an incredible group of people! Pray for safety, understanding, flexibility, and community as we continue serving together for the furthering of the kingdom. Amen.
Blessings for now,
- Austin
P.S. A short description of the photo. In Fijian culture, the highest attire a man can wear is a "Bula Shirt" and a Sulu (man-skirt). This is considered suit and tie and is very formal and respectful to the sites we visit... Thus it is my new dress code! It's surprisingly comfortable and easy to get used to...Save the moments when a large gust of wind arises. :)
He has been faithful in restoring me and reviving me from a busy few days of travel and stress and has adjusted me to "Fiji (island) time" quite well. Here, time moves slowly and, unless otherwise stated, things can be early, on time, late, or none of the above... and it's OK!
Upon arrival, I had a smooth airport pickup and ride from Nadi to Lautoka (where I'll be spending the summer) where I soon met my SI Fiji Country Directors: The amazing Ratu Oska Vuki and his incredible wife Aralai. These two have already ensure my Summer to be one of learning from their wisdom and unwavering trust in the Lord for their needs. Their status as prayer warriors has also brought such encouragement to my heart as well as the other site directors utilized by SI in our outreaches. We currently have 6 sites in Lautoka that we work with. I will list the names of the site directors as you should get familiar with them for the following 10 weeks of blog posts. :) Our service-sites include: A Primary School directed by Master Apenise (ah-pay-nee-say), a Special-Ed school directed by Sokoveti (Soko), Mt. Zion Preschool and Kindergarten directed by Ase (ah-say), two women's ministry sites direct by Rusila, (Ru) and a prison ministry directed by Mosese (Mo-say-say).
I am quickly learning how flexible one must be to spend any length of time in the mission field... Some days, our sites either won't have children in the schools (because of the water cuts or other social reasons), or we won't be allowed into the prison, etc... We are learning to trust His will for what it is (and the Bible says it is perfect!). Vinaka!
Everyone here speaks at least two--usually three--languages. Fijian is primary, while English and Hindi follow shortly behind. As for myself, the Lord is COMPLETELY blessing my learning of Fijian! I can now read it and not sound like a bafoon stumbling over the pronunciation. I can count to 20, and can ask various questions and can use all major greetings and polite sayings. Praise Jesus! He is faithful in all things!
Arriving to the 2 story, beautiful base camp just 1.5 miles from the sea-wall, it was more than I had hoped for (to be quite frank...)! I have a bed to myself, I have a shower (as of today, as the first 2 days we were under a "water cut" and had no running water or toilet usage within the surrounding province), we have private cooks who cook AMAZING Fijian, American, Indian, and Asian cuisine (and not bad mexican either!), we have a great team jointing us from Grand Canyon University, and most of all we have Jesus to light our way even when we can not see! In some ways, it's hard to believe I've already been here for 3 days... In others, it feels as though I've been here for many years as I am in the comfort of (what seems to be) "old" friends. I've never come into contact with a more genuine, friendly culture. One that not only embraces each other in peace, but also others who are visiting (even just visiting their store of fruit stand in the marketplace!).
The Lord is blessing us greatly here at 6 Ragg St. in Lautoka. We have many things to be grateful for, and yet we can always be in prayer. Please join us in prayer for a few various things:
- Upon arrival to the Nadi airport I was asked to clarify the intentions of my visit. They have placed me on a "time allowance" due to the fact that typical missionaries are only allowed to stay here for 14 days. This should not be a problem to resolve, but it requires a trip to the immigration office and a lot of prayer for a smooth fix and with not issues in that process. Thank you.
- Please continue to pray that if the Lord would like me to learn the Fijian language in this way that He would continue to clarify it in my mind. The Fijian people have been very helpful, but I will need the understanding that only comes through Christ to get anywhere in these 10 weeks.
- Please pray for our group visiting right now. What an incredible group of people! Pray for safety, understanding, flexibility, and community as we continue serving together for the furthering of the kingdom. Amen.
Blessings for now,
- Austin
P.S. A short description of the photo. In Fijian culture, the highest attire a man can wear is a "Bula Shirt" and a Sulu (man-skirt). This is considered suit and tie and is very formal and respectful to the sites we visit... Thus it is my new dress code! It's surprisingly comfortable and easy to get used to...Save the moments when a large gust of wind arises. :)
Monday, May 26, 2014
Good morning, good morning!
Slowly stirring...
Melodic sounds coming from new songbirds and parrots outside my slotted windows,
Dogs barking at each other down the street,
The soft playing of "Lord I lift your name on High" coming from somewhere else in the house,
Muffled Fijian conversation drifting in from the kitchen where our cooks are busy preparing Babakua (Fijian Pancakes),
From various sources across the city I hear the muslim morning prayer ring out in arabic, with Hindi close behind.
Finally awake, I feel the plane from LA to Nadi roar overhead on it's approach for landing... Our team will be here soon!
Ni sau bula vinaka! Yadra!
(A very warm hello and Good morning from Fiji!)
- Austin
Melodic sounds coming from new songbirds and parrots outside my slotted windows,
Dogs barking at each other down the street,
The soft playing of "Lord I lift your name on High" coming from somewhere else in the house,
Muffled Fijian conversation drifting in from the kitchen where our cooks are busy preparing Babakua (Fijian Pancakes),
From various sources across the city I hear the muslim morning prayer ring out in arabic, with Hindi close behind.
Finally awake, I feel the plane from LA to Nadi roar overhead on it's approach for landing... Our team will be here soon!
Ni sau bula vinaka! Yadra!
(A very warm hello and Good morning from Fiji!)
- Austin
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Ready or Not: Fiji Here I Come!
At last, that day is here! My bags are ready, batteries are charged, sunscreen is packed! It's actually happening! I'm on my way to Fiji! I'm actually sitting at my gate awaiting my first plane (from Denver to LA) to begin my journey to Nadi, Fiji! It doesn't feel real yet. In fact, I doubt it will sink in until I wake up on the plane tomorrow about to land on the west coast of the island of Viti Levu! I'm so thankful for the Lord's provision as He has already brought me this far... Now I continue praying that He will smooth out the details of this trip that my mind constantly is trying to plan out.
I will try to keep posting videos and photos whenever possible, so please continue to share this blog with friends and check back jenever you think of it for new prayer requests and updates from the island.
Thank you all for your support and excited attitude you have shared with me as I begin this new adventure.
Please continue to pray for ease of language-learning, the opening of hearts (including my own), safety, and for clarity of the Lord's will in the many experiences to come!
- Austin

I will try to keep posting videos and photos whenever possible, so please continue to share this blog with friends and check back jenever you think of it for new prayer requests and updates from the island.
Thank you all for your support and excited attitude you have shared with me as I begin this new adventure.
Please continue to pray for ease of language-learning, the opening of hearts (including my own), safety, and for clarity of the Lord's will in the many experiences to come!
- Austin
Location:Pena Blvd,Denver,United States
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock!
(Here is the post I wrote on the plane back to Branson yesterday! There are now only 3 days left until I leave!)
How is it that time passes so quickly?
It seems like only days ago I was late for class because I was busy skyping with Students International--interviewing for the internship position I will start on Saturday! I am currently writing on the flight back to Branson, MO from Denver, CO where I've spent the last week with my family preparing for this trip. What a blessing it is to have a gracious family who, while maybe not fully sharing in my love of new adventures, understands well the unfailing faithfulness of our God. They have been patient and steadfast with me throughout this difficult transition period filled with many new experiences and, unfortunately, several goodbyes to friends made at College of the Ozarks.
The Lord has been showing me new things everyday that I would not have previously been expecting from this Summer. Last night I had the opportunity to meet a Fijian-American couple who had recently moved to the US (He just got his paperwork for citizenship fulfilled! Praise God!) to talk with them about Fiji. Why these people "just so happened" to live in our town, and we "coincidentally" had mutual family friends was, of course, no accident. So blessed by the time spent with Judah and Jessi. Through this meeting and from the "little things" God is continually confirming that Fiji is exactly where He wants me for the Summer. Yes, it is a large trip and I want to make good decisions when packing for 10 weeks spent in a (for now) unfamiliar place, but He keeps reminding of how quickly and miraculously He has provided for every other need previously for this trip. It's not for me to comprehend or try to plan how the logistics will come together, nor is it His will for me to stress over the things He has already taken care of.
I am not.
With just 4 days and 4 hours remaining until I begin my journey to Fiji, I continue to ask for your prayers and intercession for myself and for those I will come into contact with during my 19 weeks. Also, a special prayer request... The main reasoning behind my contacting the SI base in Fiji (as opposed to one in central/south America) is that I believe I may be being called into missions-linguistics and Bible-translation (there are still over 4,400 known language in the world without a single written book of the bible!).
From the very beginning, I told God I was laying out the fleece and if He wanted me to explore this side of my giftings He would have to provide a place with a new culture and a non-Latin or Slavic based language (AKA: something I had never tried before). Well, you know the rest often story as I will be in Fiji later this week! Please, if you will, begin praying with me that the Fijian and Hindi languages will make sense somehow and that, if this is the path the Lord has for me, that He would make it as straight and clear as the rest of the path has been thus far?
Vinaka vakalevu to all. (Thank you very much)
- Austin
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Jehovah-Jireh - My God is a God Who Provides!
I will exalt You, my God the King;
I will praise Your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise You and extol Your name for ever and ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
and His greatness is unsearchable.
Psalm 145:1-3
All of my financial support has been provided!
From the very beginning, I asked the Lord to show me whether He wanted me to spend the Summer in Fiji by providing the means necessary, not only to get there, but also to live there... And as of this morning, He has!
He has supplied over and above what I needed for my living expenses; He has provided money I was in need of for vaccinations, medicines, and other travel necessities; and He has even led some to donate towards the needs/desires of those who are living in Fiji! I now have almost 2lbs of trail mix, will have 2lbs of coffee, and have (get ready) 12.5LBS OF PEANUT BUTTER! They are going to be thrilled! God is SO good!
A lot has happened since my last post and I have been busy preparing for Fiji (hence the delay in writing). I have officially graduated from College of the Ozarks, I packed up my dorm room and drove with my family to Colorado where I now sit comfortably on my couch, and I have begun the packing and staging process as I leave in (count 'em) 9 DAYS!
The last week at school was a very difficult one in many ways. First of all, the testing for finals week proved to be very challenging as I had several final-projects mixed in with "real" tests in six of my classes. This meant a few all-nighters, and a lot of coffee simply to make it through the daylight hours! It was also very challenging as I was preparing to say goodbye. CofO has been an incredible place of growth for me, with the people I met and formed relationships with being a huge medium through which I have matured. Between the influence of my character camp parents, to being a character camp parent myself for 4 families; to the incredible trips within and outside of the US; to the countless late night study sessions spent surrounded by friends; to the nights spent laying on the floor just chatting with my roommate; this place, and the people I associate with it, was very hard to drive away from on Monday.
Now, I am spending these few days at home making lists, spending time with family, and "pre-packing" the things I will need for my time on the island. I ask that you continue to pray for God's provision of safety and peace over myself and those already in Fiji, and that He would continue to make clear to me the "big" things which, apparently, are very small to Him are already taken care of.
Vinaka vakalevu Jisu Karisito!
- Austin
- Laptop Computer (Again the SI Fiji would greatly utilize a laptop for the purpose of media, even with basic editing tools already found within Microsoft for the sharing of what the site is doing on the Island. If you have a laptop that is not in use or your family would like to donate, again, please contact me as this would be huge help to those serving in Fiji)
- Bibles (One of the greatest needs for SI Fiji right now is Bibles. They are in need of three translations (Hindi, Fijian, and English) but any printed version of the bible is VERY expensive in Fiji. Any Bible is appreciated. (If you would like to donate bibles, can be a great resource))
- Trail mix (Any kind)
- Coffee (Again, quite expensive and hard to find on the Island)
- Adult Diapers (One of the ministry sites is an elderly home which is in need of these resources)
- If you would still like to donate financially, there will always be need in SI Fiji and you can email me for more info!
Prayer requests:
- Continue praying for the preparation of my heart for whatever He has for me in Fiji.
- Continue to pray for the others who I will be with in Lautoka, and for the Fijian nationals we will be sharing and serving with!
- Please pray for Fiji as a whole, the cultures there-within are lost and are in need of our Savior.
- Please pray for the donation of a laptop for use within the ministry after I leave Fiji.
Monday, May 5, 2014
How Beautiful Are the Feet...
Today I begin my final week as an undergraduate student. While my mind is so focused on my finals I have this week, I cannot help but feel the anticipation of this time next week when I will be an Alumni of College of the Ozarks! It's a very surreal feeling, equally balanced between panic and peace.
Today I was reading through Romans 10. The beginning of the chapter is a continuation of Paul's speaking to the church of Rome about the gentiles and the greeks. He continues to insist the importance of sharing the Gospel. Seeing as I will be in Fiji in less than 20 days, this passage meant a lot to me.
Romans 10:8-11, 14-15 (ESV)
Today I was reading through Romans 10. The beginning of the chapter is a continuation of Paul's speaking to the church of Rome about the gentiles and the greeks. He continues to insist the importance of sharing the Gospel. Seeing as I will be in Fiji in less than 20 days, this passage meant a lot to me.
Romans 10:8-11, 14-15 (ESV)
But what does it say? [Moses' writings about righteousness based on the law] "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For the scripture says, "Everyone who believes in Him will not be put to shame."
How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?
And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
And how are they to preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
How beautiful is anyone's path and how sure is the footing for those who are willing to follow where He leads. (Prov. 3:5-6) Whether they be in tennis shoes, sandals, dress shoes, or barefoot. Don't let your feet become idle today. It's not up to up to you to make your feet beautiful...He the one who makes them beautiful when you follow His leading to wherever He sends you.
As I prepare to graduate I am reminded that the Lord has opened this door for me, so it's not up to me to ensure that everything falls into place. He has already done that according to His will. (He's even taken care of these finals this week!)
Prayer requests:
- I have 5 days of hard tests yet this week!
- Continue to pray for the Lord's providence of my living expenses while in Fiji.
- Continue praying for the preparation of my heart for whatever He has for me in Fiji.
- Continue to pray for the others who I will be with in Lautoka, and for the Fijian nationals we will be sharing and serving with!
- Please pray for Fiji as a whole, the cultures there-within are lost and are in need of our Savior.
- Please pray for the donation of a digital camera with video capabilities and a laptop for use within the ministry after I leave Fiji.
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